May 26, 2014

Honoring Those That Served, Happy Memorial Day

Today we're honoring the lives of men & woman that have served in our country over all scales, all levels, all branches of military duty, all wars fought and served in. I'm proud to say I have a lot of family member's that have fought and served but the one person I knew more than the rest was my Great Grandfather J.E Gardner who was apart of the Army, and served in the Korean War. He was honored with a purple heart for helping his fellow men when he himself was shot while in active duty. He survived that war. He was many things but to me he was a hero, role model, a man I grew up looking up too. Even though my memories of him are black/white because I was a very young child and had only been around him a  few times. I don't really have much memories of how he was, or who he was. I can say I do know he was a war veteran, a hero in many people's eyes just like he is in mine. He lived a long happy life after the war. He raised his kids, had grandkids and even lived to meet two of his Great Grandkids. Some wars may be more tragedy than the others but for every man and woman who served and lost their lives for the better of our country is a great active of honor, respect, love, courage. Even though my Great Grandfather survived the war, he is still a war veteran just like the rest.

Here is two pictures of my Great Grandfather J.E Gardner. The top is him by his Army plane in his uniform and the bottom of him and his army buddies who he served with. He is a honorable hero.

                              My Great Grandfather CPL James E. Gardner Army Korean
                                                                       Veteran for all
                                                 All those are honored at this Memorial

Me standing in the front of the memorial section where my Great Grandfathers name stands.
              I'm saluting America while standing in honor of my Great Grandfather J.E Gardner

Even thought today is to honor those that have served and passed on, I believe it's also honoring those that are taking the step to join the military to follow in fellow Men and Woman who have served before. So another person I want to talk about is my cousin who made the choice to enter into the military to fight & serve for our country just as those before him did, Just like my Great Grandfather did. His name is C. Webster. He is like my grandfather a hero in my eyes, a role model that all can look up too because they all have honor. He is young, able, & willing just like everyone else. I was going to serve along with my cousin but I was unable too. I wanted more than anything to be able to serve this country that I love, Care about, and follow in my Great Grandfathers foot steps. Although not being able to is okay. I want to say thank you for all who've served in our Military, thank you for your service.  Know Your All Loved & Remembered!

This is my cousin who will be able to be called a war veteran someday as well. He is strong, willing, encouraged, a hero already in my eyes. Love to you C. Webster. You've the future!

Be proud of those that have served, be thankful because they did it for our country for us to have the right we do, the ability to be who we are as America, United Nations, For Justice and For All. We Are Americans. I'm proud to be an American for what will set us free. Honor them today. R.I.P to all that have passed that served. God Bless love to all.

Happy Memorial Day- Everyone, Thank you for serving & God Bless America for which it stands one nation under god invisible and justice for all. Amen

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