Feb 25, 2014

Bad Parenting 101

I've seen some really great parents and I've also seen some really bad parents and all this narrow downs to "Bad Parenting 10". 

I've seen parents that have the grandparents baby sit the kids and then when they are at there parents house the mother thinks it's still the grandparents job to disaplen her child when it should be the parent doing the disaplening regardless if her kid is still at the grandparents house with her there!!! That's one big bad thing I've seen many parents do and it shows a lack of parenting and a lack of responsibility toward the parents. I've also seen parents that argue in front of the kids and get fiscal on levels abusive and sexual and it's horrible that these kids have to be exposed to such things and parents that don't do the parenting all the time is not bad parents period!! I can't stand bad parents period and I'm related to a few of them and just me seeing their parenting skill it knocks them down to a bad parent foor sure.. 

There are many things that can make a bad parent a bad parent!! But those are a few for now. I'll add more later 

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