Feb 13, 2014

Open your eyes to Upside not down side

As I sit here in the dark, I watched a film called upside referring to a young teen who plays a sport and gets hurt seriously in which makes his brain flip his eye vision upside down and how he goes through some battles with losing offers from colleges and everything, but this main focal point to this film in my opinion is that regardless of your struggles, battles and everything there is something that comes out of it wither one realizes it yet or not and that you have to look at not the box but outside the box and if your lost you can find help with in the one person above all else the only one that can help you and that is God. This film opened my eyes and got me thinking how I see the world and how I see my box.   I was thinking how selfish I've been towards myself and others, how I've disappointed those that care the most about me and how above all else I've disappointed myself in many ways and so I started to think how could I better my box, my picture and focal point?

That's the question we all ask our selves isn't it?
I mean really we have fall and get back up against from most things and somethings we think isn't possible to come back from but really it is when you take the walk with God our Father, our Savior the one who sent his only son down to die for not me, not you but all of us for our sins no matter how bad or good they are. We the people that can see take what we see and can do for granted and we don't think about those that can't do that but just because they can't visually see like others can doesn't mean they can't do what we do because it is very much possible. What do you think is the all time battle anyone can face in life? could it be a medical illness, or possibly not having a family meaning parents? or could it be some other kind of battle? I'll tell you what we all face battles different ones and same ones but they are never ideally the same because we are all different and are effected differently. This film brought a non- doubtful young teen to Christ and made him a believer because of his accident he had made him not only find himself and grow better into a better person but he found God as well and met a nice girl as well.

This film opened my eyes to show me that I have purpose in life even if I don't understand it or know what it is but the things that are happening in my life right now and that has happened is all purpose so whatever may happen to me next I believe and know God will be there to take me along, guide me through all the odds because that's the kind of power God has beyond many others as well.

We know what the past had, we know what the present is but tomorrow is a new unknown everything..

It's a new chapter in everyone's lives. That is fact now we don't know what is set to happen in the coming of hours, days, weeks, months and years but we do have the option to follow it, seek it and believe in it.

I'm starting my new day off on this note, this new post. I'm starting off as a better me than what I was yesterday and the me before that, it's called taking a leap of faith that God is hear guiding you through all good or bad. Take his hand and he will take yours too. Pray to him, he listens and answers in time. You want him he is there right now always no matter what. He is everywhere up down side to side because he is the Cross, he is every point we see he is North, South, West & East even the in between.

Take the next leap with me and God and see what he can do for you and others, be a better you as the young man in the film did, he didn't walk from God he walked towards God. That's AMAZING!

I hope this finds you all in good relations with our Lord God. Love you all my brothers & sisters

Be your upgrade today and everyday beyond this one.

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