Dec 31, 2013

Happy New Year 2014

Hey everyone, how have you all been? Are you ready for 2014? What has 2013 brought to you?

2013 for me was a battle field for me with bumps and no bumps. This year I've had good and bad happen to me. 2013 started off as a bad year because the first day of 2013 my grandmother had a heart attack, and then through the year I found my dad's family and got in contact with them while being rejected once again. I adopted my hamsters named Zarek, Xeno, Xena, Gabrielle, Pac, Adrik, Mila, Cole, Leo, Piper, Phoebe, Teddae, Bailey, Xoei, Peaches, Creamlyn, Miracle, Matthias, but also through this year I lost some of my hamsters do to them passing and the ones that had passed away was Phoebe, Mila, Adrik, Pac & Cole, besides them I adopted my rats named Chloe, Abbey, Dixie, Paisley, Emmabeth, Cali Raen, Rubylyn, Pearl, Trinity Samantha, Tanner, Greyson & Bentley. I adopted lizards named Jemez, Lunas, Blaze, Cruz, Tokyo, Kyoto but I also decided to give up Cruz, Tokyo & Kyoto. I adopted my Chorkie named Mia and found a kitten in my apartments abandoned in a small cage near the trash so I adopted him and named him Cobe.  I published my first poetry book this year called Believe In Me. I was in a relationship but that ended under bad terms. I found my cousin on my dad's side through which is where I found out I'm German on my Dad's side among other things. I got my job at Petco and have almost been with them for a year which is awesome. I went back to school but then again dropped back out. I've been through a lot this year but since 2014 is in just a couple of hours I'm going to share with you all what I hope for 2014 and what my goals are.

1. Get the GED
2. Become a dog trainer at my job
3. Get in shape
4. Attend church weekly
5. Get Cobe neutered
6. Be with my job for one year
7. Be a better version of myself more than I was this year
8. Find love again
9. Learn piano
10. Reconcile the relationship between my dad & family
11. Travel to TN & NM
12. Let go of the past and look forward to the future
13. Start my life
14. Turning 21
15. Teach others about our God Jesus Christ
16. Get my tattoos
17. Be clear of seizures so I can drive
18. Learn Gods word
19. Work hard than ever
20. achieve my dreams & goals

those are just 15 of the tons of goals I have in plan for this year 2014. I hope you all have a good year a better year. 

God bless

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