Aug 26, 2010


This blog is based on different topics, events and just daily life experiences. I like to help others and be involved. I added a tab up top for charities I support and a section for advice on any and all topics. I love old vintage things, from music to classic cars. I'm old fashioned. I'm a published Poet, I've done some acting work from plays/ musicals & being extra in film & TV. I live a normal life as much as possible. I love animals and own a little mini zoo. I have dogs, cats, rabbits, rats, a mouse and a lizard and hamsters, I love my rodents. I'm a passionate Christian that attends church weekly, I put God first in my life and then the rest just falls into place. I wouldn't be where I am today if I wouldn't know God and his son Jesus Christ. I am a brain surgery survivor and have lived to tell my story to those that want to listen. I look at the little things in life and the big things and I say don't take any of it for granted because you never know when it is or they are gone. I believe in the good of people not the bad. So here is a big welcome to my blog.

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