May 26, 2014

God's Not Dead

Today I went with some family to see one of my new favorite Christian Films called "God's NOT' Dead", which is based on a freshman college student taking a philosophy course and his professor is what we call an Atheist to whom is one that is a non-believer in God's existence and to whom created the world. The student vs. professor in a debate to prove the Existence and Non-Existence of God in a 3 week course. Now as we know today most Philosopher's, Scientist's, Poet's, Author's and even some Surgeon's don't believe in the existence of God. Most people that are atheist's now were once Christians but you may ask why did they change, why did they walk away? Well truly it's because in most cases something tragic happen to them in their lives. So it's simply easy to say God doesn't exist but how can one be an atheist and hate a such God when they them selves don't believe in him? It's like this we can't prove or not prove God exist, it's more of having a choice, looking at the world and ask yourself who did create the world? who created me? It's a matter of believing in something much greater and grander than the eyes can see, the ears can hear, the voice to speak. Something that we all want to seek but truly we have it already, God says love me as I have always loved you. God simply let's us have the choice to believe in him or not to believe in him. Yes great tragic events happen that shouldn't and people upon people daily ask God why did you let this happen? God simply again let's us have choices, and yes we sin we all do. One man isn't  better than the other, we are all simply equal by sin, flesh, life, choices. Those that do believe give everything to God, and those that don't just simply won't know him. Those that walk with God will live with God in his Kingdom and those that don't will simply be casted out and thrown down to Hell. God doesn't push anyone away, he wants everyone to come to him than run from him. God wants you as he wants me.

There is the Bible for a purpose that is the key to unlocking the truth of something much greater than what we see. The Bible was written by Jesus's people those that followed him when he was here on earth, they saw the true miracle that only God can do, but anyone can do just as he did with having faith and believing. for example Jesus called Peter and said Come, Peter got out of the boat and walked on water but for a second he doubted and he fell into the water and Jesus asked why do you have such little faith? so that simply tells you anything is possible with God as long as you believe, and have faith in God. A lot people that read the bible just simply read it as if it was like any other book and that's why a lot of people including myself don't really know the Bible that well, but for those that truly want to know God they don't just read the Bible once or twice they study it over and over again. Those that do that know the Bible every verse, location of that verse and the meaning of it as well. That is amazing and I hope I can be like that as well. So I don't say that we can prove or not prove God is real but it's more of just putting your faith, love, heart, and beliefs in to something that we can't see. I am proud to say I am a Christian and yes I fail, I sin but yet God still loves me as he also forgives me for those that I have done wrong, sins.

For most some sins are hard to repent from which means to turn away from doing that same action which is sins, we sin no matter what we do, say or live by. Sins are small, medium and big they all come in all sizes but I say this not one sin is greater or worse than the next. They are equal, and that even includes murder, rape, theft, and the miner ones lying, porn, cheating, cursing, not honoring your parents, and simply obeying the commandments God set in place before us to follow. Not one single man can follow every commandment with out sinning, only Jesus could do that.

That's the best part though we sin and sin over and over and yet there is every ounce of forgiveness from God if you believe, have faith and admit your sins, fails, faults and repent from them and he Jesus who died for everyone of our sins can save you for he died for you and I our sins so we can be forgiven to live in his Kingdom with him. Yes we may act on the same sins and we may keep asking for forgiveness for that sin over and over again but God still forgives you, he loves you and wants you.

So this film is a film that those that don't believe in God can go see and even those that do believe can go see it. It's a film to let everyone know you have choices, you can believe, you can know God.

Believe or not believe that is your choice because God gave you the possibility to choose. God said the only way to enter in to my Father Kingdom is through me, referring to believing in Jesus Christ the Son and that you can if you do.

God loves you "God's NOT Dead"

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