May 26, 2014

Day Two, Watched The Bible Series

This evening My mom and I watch The Bible mini series on DVD, the stories we watch that is based from the Bible. Daniel who was thrown into the dungeon to be fed to the lions. Daniel although survived the lions because of his faith in God. God protected Daniel from being eaten by the lions and that just proves if you have strong faith in God he will protect you from any kind of danger that your faced with in life. Having faith in God is believing in God and that all things are possible.

Another story we watched from the Bible series is based on the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ born of a virgin mother named Mary who was set to marry a man named Joseph. This story from the Bible series has now been put up onto the big screen into a film called "Son Of God" which we also saw in theaters two weeks ago. The story takes us through the entire life of Jesus from the time he was born to the time he rose again. It shows us the time line of what Jesus went through down here on earth with who he decided to call his disciple's starting with Simon Peter & his brother Andrew the fisherman, Bartholomew, James the elder brother of John the Apostle, James the lesser brother of Jude the Apostle, Judas to whom was the one that betrayed Jesus to the Romans, Matthew the tax collector, Philip, Simon, Thomas, and even some say Mary Magdalene was a follower of Jesus through his time on earth but she being considered one of the disciples is a debate of today, but we do know she was one of the few to kneel at the feet of Jesus Christ at the time of his death on the Cross. It shows us the teachings of Jesus, the miracles he performed on those that were sick, paralyzed, blind, and diseased, he traveled far and near preaching the teachings of his Father God and to whom ever believes in me shall reign in my father kingdom with me for I am the only way to enter into my fathers kingdom. It shows us how Jesus was treated by those that didn't believe in him such as the Romans, they smut on him, beat him, mocked him and his father, made a crown of thorns and placed it on his head, made him carry his own cross and nailed him to it as well as making a sign saying        " King of the Jews"or something close to that. Jesus said on the cross "Father forgive them for they not know what they do", "Father why do you forsaken me". Jesus laid in a tomb for 3 days  and rose on that third day, Mary Magdalene went to the tomb where Jesus laid and she saw that the rock that closed the tomb had been moved, then Jesus said Mary why do you have such little faith? then Mary at time realized it was Jesus. He said go tell the others and she did. They didn't believe her so Mary said come with me to the tomb and I'll show you. Peter went with Mary and he saw for himself the news was true, then he himself saw Jesus has rose. So for the next 40 days Jesus continued his teachings and on the fortieth day he rose into the clouds and he said to his disciples go out and tell others about me make for yourself disciples so they can also know of me, and they did and here today there are over one million Christ followers world wide and even some that are coming to him right now. Jesus said any who that comes to me shall enter into my Father's Kingdom. This just shows that God is real and that Jesus Christ is the Messiah the one sent down to save his people and free us of all our sins so that we can reign with him in Heaven forever.

Believe in Jesus Christ

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