Sep 5, 2014

I'm Blessed

I've been looking at those in my life who have a negative effect on me and who will lead me down an unrighteous path, those that will make me sin when I know better than to sin. I turn now my cheek from those that try to tempt me but will not call me to their ways of living negatively, sinfully, ungodly and unrighteous. Through my process in the RCIA classes and the calling that the catholic church has on me is powerful, beautiful, blessing because God the righteous has set f...orth me on this ship to set sail on these seas and to explore new land, new things, meet new people, become one with the righteous not one with the unrighteous. I'm surrounding my new self with those that seek the same, believe in the same and live in the same as I do. I want to be a Believer not a Doubter. I want to be Righteous not Unrighteous, I don't want to feel Ashamed, I want to feel Proud. I don't want to be a Sinner, I want to be a Winner. I don't want to be Led, I want to Lead. I have found a new version of myself that I never though I would find but truly I tell you I have and I am. With those that are in my way I'm pushing to the side because they will not help me but shame me and break me and make me fail, when I want to be put together like glue, I want to be hopeful, and be a winner. God created man from love and so I love, Jesus told his 12 disciples go out into the world share what I've taught you so that you can teach it to others, baptize them, make for yourself your own disciples, and send them also into the world to do the same. For a long time now I ever night at 12 AM post a daily bible verse, and other biblical sayings on my Instagram which then I share onto Twitter, Facebook & Tumbler making my righteous way as a fellow Disciple in the world to share the Gospel as God himself told man to do. I've been blessed because I've blessed others. I've met through this process so many righteous people and also so many unrighteous people. I do pray for those that are unrighteous, those that are sinners, doubters, breakers, lost in this world. But by the power in my own words and actions I've brought some of the lost, broken, sinful, doubting unrighteous people into being a righteous winner hopeful believing person into God, into the Church. I have a calling into the church. Today I met so many inspiring woman who are wife's, mothers, friends, righteous believing woman of God and they have inspired me. I look back now at what I thought I wanted and need out of people but truly I was lost, but I am found now and know what now I seek in people and in the world. Godly righteous people. I'm blessed.

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