Mar 21, 2013

Wow Hello, It's been a while

Hey Everyone it's been quite a while since I have done a blog post, so much for the 2013 has already happened and here it is already the end just about of March!! so I'll start from the beginning of this year leading up to now with updates, news etc.

Okay so I'm gonna be honest this year started off like crap because January 1st, My Grandmother had a heart attach which my whole family saw happen, I was in the back bedroom trying to get my baby cousin Liam to sleep but from there it all went down hill, My Mom & Great Grandma had to call 911 those 3 digets no one likes to call. They arrived and took her to the hospital and kept her for it seems like a week or longer and over all it was scary because that's how my Great Grandfather died and everything.. I stayed home and watched my baby cousin while my Mom and them went with my grandma to the hospital, but in the end my grandma is doing okay now but still has to be careful with not getting stressed, etc.

I mean that day started off as a good day ,we ate, my mom found a $100.00 dollar bill, my Great Grandma got a call from a long lost cousin she had been trying to find for years and then boom it hit hard.

Also in January I started to adopted Hamsters, My first I adopted were Robo Dwarf Hamsters whom are brothers and named Zarek & Xeno

About 2 weeks later I adopted 2 female sister Robo's named Xena & Gabrielle

1 week later I then adopted My Fancy Russian named Adrik and then through out the month of Feb and Part of March I adopted 4 Winter White hamsters whom are siblings named Cole, Leo, Piper & Phoebe, 2 Russian Dwarfs named Pac & Mila.

Also this year I found out some stuff about my family on my dad's side, My Papal did indeed die but not of what I thought, he died of Cancer which I didn't know runs in the family or he could have just got it because he was a smoker, but even so no one cared to try to let me know he was sick, your maybe wondering how did I find out I'll tell you, I had a back up fb page and I had to act like someone because my aunt susan wouldn't add me so the only way I could get her to was to make a fake account, I saw her post saying how it's been nearly a year since her dad died " my papal", and how he was diagnosed June 7- died June 10, 2011 6 days before my Birthday when I turned 18 which then it was legal for me to have contact with my family, I don't know what kind of cancer he died from but whatever it was I have the chance of getting it.

also I found out I have a baby cousin named Benjemin who is my cousin Chante's half brother through my uncle kurt, my dad's older brother. I then found my ex- aunt michelle on fb, added her which she approved and she has instagram and from there I found my cousin Chante, gave her my info but she as well blocked me and through her is how I found out Ben is her lil bro.

Oh and my aunt susan threatended me by saying she'll call the cops for me stalking which is a load of shit..which I wasn't stalking, was just trying to get in contact with my Dad which I have every legal right too..

Since then I have wrote a new song called "Not Calling Back" which is all about this stuff in regards to my family and how they rejected me as always.

Now just recently which I don't freaking understand for shit is my aunt susan is on instagram and has me blocked but she just recently liked one of my pics and then unliked it, changed her username like 3 fucking times and shit which I think is stupid and immature on her part considering she is like almost 40 damn yrs old.. she acts like a child doing that.. and now I have had someone been calling up my cell with a blocked # 5 times so far which is weird and that's stalking kinda.

I've been also studying to get the GED since I dropped out of high school, looking for work and stuff. I'm working on book called Believe In Me, a sample is on Kindle Version if anyone wants to check it out, it's a poetry book with all my poems in it. I'm as well gonna be working on my second poetry book soon witht the newest poems I've writen.

OLTL & AMC is finally coming back but not to TV but rather on Hulu, Hulu+ & Itunes which is awesome, and knowing Melissa Archer has signed on too is freaking awesome.

I can finally enjoy my SOAP again!!!

I've also been working my ass off to lose weight which I have lost 10 pounds so far just by eatign good, working out and stuff.

I'm happy.

This is my post for now, God Bless you all. If you have a hard time in your life and not sure what to do keep this close "WWJD" stands for What Would Jesus DO?

xoxo comment and follow

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