Dec 31, 2010

Happy New Years Everyone, Do you have any New Years Resolutions? I would love to know!!

Happy New Year's everyone, Do any of you have any New Years Resolutions?I do mine are to loose weight, be a better person and start going to church more and to get more involved in my community and to not have any more Surgeries and to go see my father or other words get in contact with him in June after I turn 18 and To move out with my mom and get our own home and to pass this year and to do well at my Job, So I would like to know your guys and gals New Years Reslutions?

Most common New Year Resolutions is to loose weight, eat right, quit smoking, do good in school or work or both, be a better wife mother etc.

Now is the time to set your goals for this year weather it's to win the the jackpot of a lottery ticket, or to go sky diving or to join the army, get married, start a family, become an actress singer writer what ever you want your goals to be this year reach for the stars and do not give up on your goals dreams and sights because your giving up on your self .

If you try and don't succeed try again and so on
 What do you want this year to bring to you and your goals?

Don't think of the bad times that has happened this year, I know I'm not because I know I will have a better year for 2011 because in the summer of 2010 I had to go through a very dangerous surgery which was Brain surgery total of 4 surgery's and I could have died and It was so scary I cried and thought about everything I've done in my life that has hurt me and others and I want to bring this to be a better happier year for all.I've had a lot to deal with in my life but I am still living a good and happy life. Just think of the 15 people that had a ruff time this year because they were bullied teased tormented, Think of Asher brown the way he was treated and try to help others that are bullied because they are gay, different ,small for their age what ever the case stand up against Bullying, Depression and Most of all Suicide because if you loose it you loose it all your friends,family ,dreams,hope ,love and everything that made you who you are.

 I say have fun, drink some not to much but have a kick ass time tonight and Bring ON 2011 baby because we are going to make it a damn good awesome year.Are y'all with me, I can't hear y'all ARE YOU WITH ME!!!

Have fun but also be safe tonight.

Happy New Years everyone Love your Student,Friend and family member brittaney Peacock
Happy New Year everyone

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