Aug 25, 2014

The Difference between being a Fan & a Follower of someone Famous.

You know how your a fan of someone famous? Well you know who else is even more famous? Come on you do, it's #Jesus why not be his fan too? There is a difference though between being a fan and being a follower. Being a fan is just simply liking the person but following a person is doing what they did, acting how they act, living your life like them. So you must not be confused about what it means to be a fan and a follower there two totally different things. But you can apply them into being one concept you can be a fan of someone famous while also following their example, and no I am not suggesting you follow someone that leads by a bad example, use Jesus as who your a fan of as well as following his example. Or if you are a fan of someone famous like we all are but you also follow them in tree example then that means you become like them, good or bad for me I look to the people I am a fan of but also who I can follow because of their good example for instance @kellymonaco1. I am a fan of @kellymonaco1 and yes Ido follower her for her good example she leads her life by compared to other like sadly #lindseylohan.  @kellymonaco1 is a good role model that's why I am a fan but why I also followed her compared to why I don't follower #lindseylohans example because they both have made different choices you never see or hear @kellymonaco1 doing crazy stuff unlike you do with #lindseylohan. And that's why I say being a fan and following someone is two totally different things but you can apply them together if set right. So be a fan of someone that leads a life of good choices and example and follow them too. But even so they will fall at times we all do. No one is perfect so yes even those we are a fan of and follow will fall and fall again but they will get back up like we all do. Just like #Jesus did he got knocked down so many times by so many disbelievers but you know what he got back up and kept going. That's why I am a fan and follower of #Jesus because of the life and example he had set before man! He is a teacher & I am a student I obey. Now go out find someone your a fan of and follow them by their good example not the bad just like I do with @kellymonaco1 and many others. That's my message to everyone tonight being a fan and a follower of someone is totally different but can be apply together through examples. For good or bad but you want to seek the good in someone for a follower not someone that is always going to lead a life of drama bad example. Here's a list of famous people I am a fan of but also follow not because their bad but because of their good example they set in life by choices, #1. #JesusChrist #2. My Mom #3. My Great Grandmother & family #4. @kellymonaco1 #5. @_MelissaArcher #6. @Alyssa_Milano that's 6 good example. So now you go and make a list of 6+ people you are a fan of but also follow and see what the results come out to be. And if you do that you'll be good seek the good of people not the bad because bad is nothing but trouble & the good can bless you in ways. Seek and you shall find ask and you will receive good or bad your choice on what you search for in to be a fan & follower of someone. I seek the good and I find the good, I ask and I receive the good because I stay far away from the bad because I don't like bad. You can be good or you can be bad your choice but the good will always win in the end not the bad.  I hope my message to you all can help you review your lives in good and bad and everything else god bless xoxo

I am a faithful fan & follower of #JesusChrist because he is my Teacher and I am the student and so I obey his every will for me in my life