Dec 28, 2011

Happy New Years 2012

This is the group pic of Kristen Alderson and her fans at her event , Me and My mom are front left in grey shirt and red with pink writing on the shirt.
I want to start this blog post out with I hope everyone had an awesome Christmas with your Families and had fun. Some of my New Years Resolutions I wanted to come true for 2011 did for starts I did move out with my mom and we got an apartment and I didn't have any more surgeries and I did loose some weight but not as much as I would wanted. Some of the things that has happened for me in the year of 2011 is well I turned 18, Got a Bunny in March or April, and Got my dog I've been wanting for a few years now He is a Dachshund/ Chihuahua and he is crazy but lovable. I got to go to Newark, NJ and met the cast of my favorite SOAP OPERA " One Live To live " and that was an amazing unforgettable experience. I almost fainted while meeting Melissa Archer, she has been one of the few actress I grew up watching from being a young ago to now being my own adult so It was a dream come true to meet her. I got excepted into the People to People Student Ambassador Program and this coming summer I will be going to Europe for 320 days and visiting 5 different countries which is a once in a life time chance and not only that I was in a SOAP OPERA Mag photo from Kristen Alderson's event which is a group Pic of her and all the fans and I was also on TV in season 1 episode 2 of Dirty SOAP. I got to see my now 7 month old Baby cousin be born for the first time which I will say it was a Beautiful but yet also a very nasty experience but it is how we are almost all born, it's natural.  So here is some Pictures of what's happened this year for me..
 This is me and Melissa Archer at the Girls Night Out Event

 This is my bunny she was smaller much smaller when I got her she is about to be a year and her name is Jaina Layla Joie Peacock

This is my dog that is Half Dachshund/Chihuahua and his name is Caleb Judea Bildad Peacock but he go's by Jude.

This is me hold my baby cousin for the first time and his name is Liam David Baca

Happy New Years Everyone, Do you have any New Years Resolutions? I would love to know!!
Happy New Year's everyone, Do any of you have any New Years Resolutions?I do mine are to loose weight, be a better person and start going to church more and to get more involved in my community and to not have any more Surgeries  and  to pass this year and to find a new Job, and others. So I would like to know your guys and gals New Years Reslutions?

Most common New Year Resolutions is to loose weight, eat right, quit smoking, do good in school or work or both, be a better wife mother etc.

Now is the time to set your goals for this year weather it's to win the the jackpot of a lottery ticket, or to go sky diving or to join the army, get married, start a family, become an actress singer writer what ever you want your goals to be this year reach for the stars and do not give up on your goals dreams and sights because your giving up on your self .

If you try and don't succeed try again and so on
 What do you want this year to bring to you and your goals?

Don't think of the bad times that has happened this year, I know I'm not because I know I had a good year for 2011 but I know 2012 that is going to be a great year too.

 I say have fun, drink some not to much but have a kick ass time tonight and Bring ON 2012 baby because we are going to make it a damn good awesome year.Are y'all with me, I can't hear y'all ARE YOU WITH ME!!!

Have fun but also be safe New Years eve and Day

Happy New Years everyone

- Brittaney -

Dec 19, 2011

Met the OLTL cast few months ago and updates

Last August I went to Newark, New Jersey and met the cast of the Soap Opera One Life To Live and I attended 3 events, The Luncheon with the cast and Girls Night Out Event and Kristen Alderson's event. Here is some pics I want to share with you and then I'll tell your more about my experience..

 Me and Melissa Archer who plays as Natalie Buchanan Banks
 Me and Eddie Alderson who plays as Matthew Buchanan
 Ilene Kristen and Me, She plays as Roxy Balsom
 Me,My mom and Nic and Kristen Alderson and they play as James Ford and Starr Manning
 Me and Sean and he plays as Sean
 Melissa and I again
 Me and Gina who plays as kelly Cramer and My mom
A group picture with other OLTL fans and Kristen &Eddie Alderson and this photo was published in one of the Soap Opera ABC mags so I was in a magazine and I was also on TV in season 1 episode 2 of Dirty Soap which was awesome.

When I was meeting Melissa Archer for the first time I was very nervous and almost fainted =) and yet i didn't thank god that would have been so embarrassing. She was so kind and we were talking about her favorite story lines she has done and she asked me what one of my favs was and I said the pit scenes and when Natalie found out she was pregnant. and then we later went to the Girls Night Out Event and also met Melissa again and she came over and sat right next to me and I was thinking to my self OMG Melissa is really sitting next to me. She asked me if I was "Brittaney" and I said yes and she like yea I reconized you from your twitter picture and I'm like thinking maybe because I tweet you alot hehe and she asked so you had surgery last year and I said yes and she said well glad to know you made it and I asked if she really studied Psychology in college and she did. She has been one of my favorite actresses since I was very young, since she first started out on wishbone the kids tv show that was aired on PBS Kids back in the 90's and then in 2001 I started watching One Life To Live.  This has been the best experience ever. Now that th show has been cancelled all SOAP fans are fighting to save OLTL and AMC and We are not going to give up.. So Christmas is in a week and I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas with your friends and family. I am getting together with Family and Having a good old time like we do every year. I mean it's not always perfect but we have fun and make jokes and stuff..

Happy Holidays everyone and Happy New Year and I know that 2012 will be another great year with many more wonderful experiences..

XOXO - Brittaney-